Greater Accokeek Civic Assn.
promoting the civic and social betterment of Accokeek, Maryland
Article I. Name and Purpose
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Greater Accokeek Civic Association.
Section 2. We, the members of the Greater Accokeek Civic Association, do unite as a body to promote interest and friendship among the residents of the area represented by the Association. We dedicate ourselves to the civic and social betterment of the community. The Association's activities shall be selected and conducted on a nonpartisan and nonsectarian basis
Article II. Membership
Section 1. Membership shall be open to individuals eighteen (18) years and older who reside or own property in the greater Accokeek area.
Section 2. Dues for the succeeding calendar year may be set by the membership at the November meeting. To be a member in good standing, the Association must have received the member’s current year dues. A grace period until the call of the regularly scheduled February meeting shall be allowed.
Section 3. Corporate membership shall be open to business, religious, fraternal and civic entities located in or owning property in the Accokeek area. Corporate dues shall be $25.00 per year.
Article III. Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board of the Greater Accokeek Civic Association shall act for the Association as necessary between meetings. It shall consist of:
Vice President
A maximum of five (5) persons as At Large Members
Section 2. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for meetings and official acts.
Section 3. The election of officers and at-large members shall be held at the annual meeting.
Section 4. A person may hold the same office for only two successive terms before vacating that office for at least one term.
Article IV. Meetings of Members
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held on the last Wednesday of February, April, June, September, and November unless otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at any meeting.
Section 2. Two officers, not to include at-large members, plus five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any business to be conducted at a meeting canceled for lack of a quorum shall be taken up at the next regular or special meeting. In the case of the annual meeting not having a quorum, the officers terms shall be extended until a meeting at which an election can be held. Their successors’ terms shall be shortened by the extension. In the case of the November meeting not having a quorum, the setting of dues shall be carried forward to the next meeting with a quorum.
Section 3. The President may call a meeting of the Executive Board to act on behalf of the Association.
Section 4. A special meeting, limited to specific topics as stated in written notice to the members can be called by the President, or by majority vote of the Executive Board, or by a written petition to the Executive Board signed by five (5) members in good standing.
Special meetings shall require a seven (7) day written notice (from date of mailing) to all members stating the time, place, and purposes of the meeting.
Section 5. The annual meeting of the Association will be held on the last Wednesday of April.
Section 6. The order of business at meetings shall be:
(1) Ascertainment that a quorum is present.
(2) Reading and approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
(3) Reading and approval of financial reports.
(4) Correspondence.
(5) Committee reports.
(6) Unfinished business.
(7) New business.
(8) Elections. (if annual meeting)
(9) Adjournment.
Section 7. The President shall decide all questions of order.
Article V. Elections
Section 1. At least thirty (30) days prior to each annual meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of no fewer than three (3) members. It shall be the duty of the nominating committee to nominate at least one member for each office.
Section 2. After the nominations of the nominating committee have been placed before the members, the President shall call for nominations from the floor. When nominations are closed, the vote shall be taken. In the case of more than one nominee for any office, vote shall be by secret ballot.
Section 3. In the case of only one nomination for any office, that candidate shall be declared elected.
Section 4. In case of nomination of more than two candidates for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the two receiving the largest number of votes cast on the first ballot shall be declared finalists. On the next ballot, the candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.
Section 5. In all cases where more than *five (5) candidates are nominated as At Large Members, the *five (5) candidates receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.
Section 6. All officers and at-large members shall assume the duties of their elected offices at the close of the meeting of their election. All outgoing officers and at-large members are to aid their replacements for one calendar month following said election.
Section 7. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Executive Board during the year, the Executive Board may, by majority vote, name a successor for the post until the next annual election meeting.
Article VI. Officers
Section 1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, who shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association. Only the President or a representative appointed by the President may speak for this Association at any hearing affecting the Association.
Section 2. The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President during his/her absence or disability. The Vice President shall become President if, for any reason, the President is unable to complete his/her term of office.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep a fair and regular record of the proceedings of the Association. The reading of the minutes at all meetings and other records and papers as the President may direct, is required. The Secretary will have charge of papers and other property belonging to the Association, with the address of each member; and collect and record all valuable statistical information pertaining to the membership and which may be beneficial to the Association.
Section 4. Any action taken by the Executive Board shall be ratified by the membership at the next meeting of members for such action to continue.
Section 5. The at-large members will make an annual audit of the books and records of the Association. The at-large members will maintain a complete record of those audits, including supporting work papers. A report of each audit will be submitted to the members at the annual election meeting. A majority of the at-large members and one of the three elective officers must approve any transfer from the savings account: President, Vice President or the Treasurer.
Section 6. All disbursements shall be by check. The President’s or Treasurer’s signature shall be required on all Association checks.
Article VII. Standing Committees
Section 1. On or before the first regular meeting following the election, the President may appoint a Chairman for each of the following standing committees:
(1) Public Affairs
(2) Membership
(3) Ways and Means
(4) Program
Section 2. The normal duties of the committees are suggested by the designated title.
Section 3. The President shall determine any questions of committee jurisdiction.
Section 4. Any action by the Executive Board shall be approved by the membership at the next meeting.
Article VIII. Entitlement to Vote
Section 1. Any member in good standing shall be entitled to vote on all questions before the Association, provided that the Association shall have received that member’s current year dues on or before the day immediately preceding said vote. Except in the case of the regularly scheduled February meeting, where the paying of current year dues on that date shall entitle a member to vote at that and all subsequent meetings for that calendar year. Corporate members are entitled to one vote, which may be in addition to an individual vote accruing to the individual voter.
Section 2. Roll call vote will be taken on the request of any member on any questions under consideration.
Article IX. Amendments to the by-law’s
Section 1. Amendments to the by-laws may be proposed by any member. A notification must be sent to all members stating the proposed amendment at least seven (7) days (from date of mailing) before the meeting to vote on the change. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting will be required for adoption.
Article X. Questions of Procedure
Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern all procedural matters not covered by these by-laws.